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New Moon Reading: Next Chapter (3rd Sep 24)

Welcome to This New Moon Reading

As we gather under the new moon, a time of fresh beginnings and potential, this reading invites you to explore the energies and possibilities of this lunar phase.

Here, you will find a new moon tarot reading, ritual suggestions, and ideas for creating a meaningful altar.

The new moon is deeply connected to the earth element and the cardinal direction of north. It provides a powerful opportunity to align with the natural cycles of release and renewal. As we transition from the dark moon's release, the new moon calls us to become vessels for new intentions and growth.

This lunar phase resonates with the energy of winter—a season of rest, replenishment, and reflection. It is a time to welcome the stillness and trust in the process, preparing to receive the wisdom and guidance that will propel you forward into the spring. Cultivating patience and trust during this period allows you to fully receive the potential of new beginnings and set a clear path for the months ahead.

Now, we're going to explore a reading PAST - PRESENT - FUTURE

Past - King of Swords

Let's take a moment to bring the past to the present to reveal any hidden gems.

The King of Swords represents fairness, mature decision-making, intellect, clarity, and communication. The King sits on his throne, holding a sword that symbolizes the power of the mind and the element of air—ideas, movement, and possibilities. This card suggests that you have acquired significant knowledge and wisdom, which will provide a stable foundation for future endeavors.

In this period, you may have been called to step into a leadership role, or perhaps you encountered a mentor who helped to solidify and encourage the manifestation of your ideas. This was a time where your intellectual pursuits took center stage.

As you reflect on this time, consider how your past experiences shaped your understanding of the world and your ability to communicate effectively. Have you noticed how your ideas have matured?

This card is a strong sign that you’ve grown wiser, aligning yourself with people and environments that resonate with your morals and values.

What have you come to remember and embody over the last month?

The King of Swords encourages you to integrate these lessons into your current and future endeavors, guiding you towards further growth and alignment with your true self.

Present - Eight of Cups

The Eight of Cups speaks to a moment where you're being called to connect deeply with your emotions, intuition, and relationships. This card is tied to the element of water, symbolizing the flow of feelings, self-love, and the ability to channel your energy where it’s needed most. In the image, a figure is seen walking away, signaling that a situation has led you to consider a different path.

Ask yourself: What’s depleting you right now? What hasn’t turned out the way you hoped? There might be an ultimatum on the horizon—whether it’s for a boss, a partner, or a friend—to step up and take responsibility. It’s a time to assess what you’re being called to walk away from or dramatically change in order to protect your life force.

This isn’t an ending, but rather a preparation to create space for something new. Consider what needs to be released, and do so with gratitude, knowing it has carried you as far as it could. By letting go, you allow yourself to relax and open up to the new possibilities that are waiting to enter your life.

Future - Ace of Wands

The Ace of Wands is a powerful symbol of new beginnings, passion, and the spark of inspiration. Linked to the element of fire, this card speaks directly to your soul’s purpose and the drive that comes from deep within. The wand emerging from the clouds signifies a divine opportunity—an invitation to step onto your path of truth.

Following the Eight of Cups, which encouraged making space, the Ace of Wands honors that space by ushering in fresh energy and possibilities. It’s a sign that something new is on the horizon—whether it’s a project, a creative endeavor, or a renewed sense of purpose. This is your chance to manifest from the very core of your creativity and passion.

The card also hints at a partnership that nourishes you deeply, either a new connection or a deepening of an existing one. This could be a partnership with another person or a profound union with your own soul, bringing you closer to your true essence.

The reminder here is that you have the power to create your reality. All the opportunities and tools are available to you; it’s about getting clear on the life you’re here to experience. Take time to let this vision reveal itself to you, and trust that you’re ready to bring it into existence.

Hidden Patterns

Dark Mirror - Today for Tomorrow

The "Today for Tomorrow" card highlights the unconscious patterns that revolve around the idea of sacrifice and the choices we make, sometimes without even realizing they are choices. When someone devotes their life to something or someone, sacrifices naturally come with it. Often, these sacrifices are seen as necessary or inevitable, like a mother dedicating herself to her child. While it may seem that there is no choice, the truth is that a choice always exists—even if it’s not obvious.

This card asks you to reflect on the sacrifices you’ve made or are making. Are they aligned with your deeper purpose? If you own these sacrifices, they transform from burdens into acts of love and devotion. There might be grief in what is given up, but there is also profound joy in the commitment to something meaningful.

"Today for Tomorrow" encourages you to plant seeds now, even if you may not see or enjoy the fruits in the immediate future. It’s about aligning your present actions with the future you desire, and with the deeper calling of your heart. How can you ensure that what you do today serves your purpose tomorrow? This card invites you to balance your present choices with the vision of your future self, making sure they are in harmony.


Shaman's Dream - The Wailing Tree

As you prepare to step into the next chapter of your life, "The Wailing Tree" card comes as a gentle reminder to pause and honor what is being left behind. Before you can fully embrace the new, it’s important to make space for grief and to acknowledge the changes that are taking place.

This card encourages you to sit with the emotions that arise as you transition. Allow yourself to grieve what will no longer be the same—whether it’s a relationship, a role, or a way of being. The Wailing Tree offers a space to mourn, but it also offers strength. By giving yourself permission to feel this grief, you honor the past and recognize the importance of what supported your growth until now.

In this quiet time of reflection, be with what was, love it for what it brought you, and then gently release it. The strength you find in this process will empower you to move forward with clarity and purpose, carrying the wisdom of your past into the future. This card is a powerful ally as you transition, reminding you that letting go with grace allows you to step into your new chapter with a full heart.


As you transition into this next chapter, it's important to honor the sacrifices and changes that have shaped your journey. Reflect on what you're leaving behind, and allow yourself to grieve and release it with love. Recognize the wisdom and strength gained from the past, and align your present actions with your future purpose. Embrace the opportunities ahead with an open heart, knowing that by making space, you invite new beginnings that resonate deeply with your soul.

Mantra: "I honor the past, release with love, and step into my future with clarity and purpose."

New Moon Manifestation Ritual

1. Preparation:

  • Find a quiet space where you feel comfortable and undisturbed. Gather a few items for your ritual: a small bowl or jar, some soil, a piece of paper, a pen, and a small altar or dedicated space.

2. Centering and Visualization:

  • Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Take several deep, nourishing breaths, allowing yourself to relax and center.

  • Visualize yourself in a place that brings you peace and joy.

3. Set Your Intention:

  • Reflect on what you wish to manifest in the coming month. Consider areas such as relationships, spiritual practice, a project, financial goals, or health.

  • Focus on where you want to place your attention and energy. Ask yourself: What would I like to see grow and flourish in my life?

4. Write Down Your Intention:

  • On a small piece of paper, write a concise version of your intention. Be specific about what you want to manifest and how you will focus your attention.

  • For example, if you want to deepen a relationship, you might write, "I am cultivating a deeper connection with [Name], filled with understanding and love. I will do this by ..."

5. Embody the Manifestation:

  • Spend a few moments in meditation, visualizing your intention as if it is already happening. See it clearly in your mind's eye, feel the emotions associated with its fulfillment, and embody the reality you are creating.

  • Imagine the steps you will take to make this manifestation a reality, and feel the excitement and gratitude as if your intention has already been realized.

6. Ritual:

  • Place a small amount of soil into the bowl or jar. This represents the fertile ground where your intentions will take root and grow.

  • Fold the piece of paper with your written intention and place it in the soil. As you do this, envision your intention taking root and growing in the coming month.

  • Set the bowl or jar on your altar or another special place where you can see it regularly. This serves as a physical reminder of your intention and your commitment to nurturing it.

7. Closing the Ritual:

  • Take a moment to express gratitude for the opportunity to set your intentions and for the support of the universe in bringing them to fruition.

  • Blow out a candle (if you’ve used one) or simply sit in silence for a few moments, feeling the energy of your intentions solidify.

8. Follow Through:

  • Throughout the month, stay mindful of your intention. Engage in actions that support your intention and keep your focus on what you wish to manifest.

Mantra for the Ritual: "I plant the seeds of my desires with intention and clarity. I nurture them with focus and gratitude, allowing them to grow and flourish in their time."

Ideas for Your New Moon Altar

Creating an altar for the new moon is a beautiful way to honor the earth element and set the stage for new beginnings. Here are some ideas to incorporate into your altar to align with the energy of this lunar phase:

  1. Earth Element:

    • Flowers and Plants: Fresh or dried flowers, herbs, or potted plants to symbolize growth and renewal. Choose plants that resonate with you and represent new beginnings.

    • Rocks and Stones: Incorporate natural stones or crystals that represent grounding and stability. Select rocks that feel significant or are connected to the earth element.

    • Earth: A small bowl or container of soil or sand can symbolize the grounding energy of the earth and the fertile ground for your intentions.

  2. Colors:

    • Red: Use red candles, fabrics, or decorations to represent vitality, passion, and the energy of new beginnings.

    • Orange: Incorporate orange elements to evoke creativity, enthusiasm, and transformation.

    • Gold: Add gold accents to bring in a sense of abundance, success, and divine light.

  3. Seeds:

    • Symbolic Seeds: Place a few seeds on your altar to represent the intentions and dreams you wish to plant and nurture. This can be literal seeds or seed symbols that remind you of growth and potential.

  4. Earth Crystals:

    • Crystals for Grounding: Consider using crystals such as hematite, black tourmaline, or smoky quartz to connect with the earth’s grounding energy.

    • Crystals for Manifestation: Crystals like citrine, carnelian, or tiger’s eye can enhance your intentions and bring clarity and focus to your goals.

  5. Additional Elements:

    • Natural Materials: Incorporate items like driftwood, pinecones, or acorns to connect with the natural world and symbolize cycles of growth and renewal.

    • Candles: Use candles in red, orange, or gold to illuminate your intentions and bring warmth and energy to your altar.

    • Personal Items: Add personal objects that resonate with your intentions or hold special significance, such as photographs, charms, or handwritten notes.

Endless Love,

Danielle xx

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