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5 Ways to Balance the Root Chakra: A Journey of Healing and Connection

For the past months, we've been exploring many threads woven into the root chakra, here's a recap.

The Root Chakra, or Muladhara, is the first of the seven main chakras and serves as the foundation of our energy system. Located at the base of the spine, it governs our sense of safety, security, and our connection to the physical world. The word "Muladhara" comes from the Sanskrit words "Mula," meaning root, and "Adhara," meaning support or base. This chakra is the anchor that grounds us to the earth, providing stability and a sense of belonging.

Root Chakra Associations

  • Element: Earth. The Root Chakra is linked to the earth element, symbolizing stability, grounding, and a connection to the material world.

  • Color: Red. The color red is associated with the Root Chakra, representing life force, vitality, and primal energy.

  • Sense: Smell. The sense of smell is connected to the Root Chakra, reflecting its association with instinctual survival. Scents like sandalwood, patchouli, and cedarwood can be used in aromatherapy to help balance this energy center.

  • Physical Associations: The Root Chakra governs the lower part of the body, including the legs, feet, bones, large intestine, and adrenal glands. When this chakra is balanced, we experience physical health and vitality. However, imbalances can manifest as issues like lower back pain, digestive problems, and fatigue.

  • Emotional and Psychological Associations: Emotionally, the Root Chakra is connected to our basic survival needs: food, shelter, safety, and financial security. It also influences our sense of belonging, our ability to trust, and our connection to our family and community. A balanced Root Chakra brings feelings of stability, confidence, and groundedness, while an imbalanced Root Chakra can lead to anxiety, fear, and a sense of disconnection.

  • Core Issues: The core issues of the Root Chakra revolve around survival, security, and grounding. It deals with our primal instincts and the most basic aspects of our lives, such as our relationship with our body, our connection to the earth, and our ability to meet our fundamental needs.

Our Journey So Far: Workshops in Root Chakra Healing

Our recent journey within the membership community has been dedicated to exploring and healing the Root Chakra. Through a series of circles, we've delved into the depths of this energy center, uncovering the layers that shape our relationship with the physical world and our sense of belonging.

  1. Decolonizing Healing. In this workshop, we explored the impact of colonialism on our healing practices. We discussed how reclaiming ancestral wisdom and practices can help us reconnect with the earth and our roots, offering a path to healing that honors our heritage and identity.

  2. Healing the Motherline. The Motherline represents the ancestral lineage passed down through our maternal line. By healing the wounds and traumas within this line, we can free ourselves from generational patterns that no longer serve us, creating space for new growth and connection.

  3. Returning to Our Mother's Womb. This session invited us to journey back to our first home—the womb. By connecting with this sacred space, we tapped into the primal energy of creation, fostering a deep sense of safety and nurturing within ourselves.

  4. Father Line Connections. Just as we healed the Motherline, we also turned our attention to the Fatherline. This workshop focused on healing our relationships with paternal energy, exploring how these connections influence our sense of structure, protection, and authority in life.

  5. Connection to Source. Here, we deepened our connection to the Source of all life, recognizing the Root Chakra as the gateway to this infinite energy.

  6. Nervous System Mapping. Understanding the relationship between the Root Chakra and our nervous system was the focus of this session. We learned techniques to soothe and regulate our nervous system, promoting a state of calm and resilience.

  7. Finding Home Within. This workshop was about discovering that true safety and security come from within. We explored practices to cultivate a sense of home and belonging in our own bodies, regardless of external circumstances.

  8. Establishing Healthy Boundaries. Healthy boundaries are essential for maintaining the energy of the Root Chakra. This session taught us how to set and maintain boundaries that protect our energy and ensure our needs are met.

  9. Living as Abundance. In this workshop, we shifted our focus from scarcity to abundance. We explored how the Root Chakra influences our relationship with material wealth and security.

  10. My Body is My TempleWe concluded our Root Chakra journey by honoring our physical bodies as sacred temples.

5 Practices to Balance the Root Chakra

As we wrap up our Root Chakra journey, here are five powerful practices to keep this energy center balanced and healthy:

  1. Ancestral Healing (Altar and Acceptance Practice) Create an altar dedicated to your ancestors, honoring their presence and the wisdom they bring. Spend time at the altar in quiet reflection, offering gratitude and acceptance for the lessons and gifts passed down through your lineage. This practice helps you connect with your roots and heal any ancestral wounds.

  2. Soothing the Nervous System (Humming Vagal Nerve) The vagus nerve plays a crucial role in regulating the nervous system. A simple way to soothe it is through humming. Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, and hum softly, allowing the vibrations to calm your mind and body. This practice is especially helpful when you feel anxious or ungrounded.

  3. Earthing / Grounding Grounding, or earthing, is the practice of connecting your body directly with the Earth. Walk barefoot on grass, sand, or soil, or sit outside with your bare feet on the ground. This practice helps you absorb the Earth’s energy, balancing and stabilizing your Root Chakra.

  4. Dancing. Movement is a powerful way to release stagnant energy and ground yourself. Put on some music that resonates with you and dance freely, allowing your body to move in whatever way it needs.

What's next?

Join us as we begin to explore and experience the sacral chakra, gathering initially in the red tent.

With love and light,


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