Fertility awareness methods (FAMs) offer a natural and holistic approach to understanding our bodies and making informed decisions about our reproductive health. In this blog post, we'll explore the most popular fertility awareness methods, including charting basal body temperature, cervical mucus observation, and tracking ovulation with apps.
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Charting Basal Body Temperature:
Charting basal body temperature (BBT) is a popular fertility awareness method that involves taking your temperature first thing in the morning, before you even get out of bed. The idea is that your temperature will rise slightly following ovulation, this is down to progesterone taking over in the luteal phase, by charting your temperature over time, you can start to see patterns and identify when you have ovulated.
To chart your BBT, you'll need a basal thermometer (which is more sensitive than a regular thermometer) and a chart to record your results. It's important to take your temperature at the same time each morning and in the same way, such as orally or vaginally.
Cervical Mucus Observation:
Cervical mucus observation is another popular fertility awareness method that involves paying attention to the changes in your cervical mucus throughout your cycle. As you get closer to ovulation, your cervical mucus will become thinner, clearer, and more stretchy.
To observe your cervical mucus, you can simply check it on a daily basis, either by wiping or by inserting a clean finger into your vagina. You can also record your observations on a chart to help you identify patterns over time.
Tracking Ovulation with Apps:
Tracking ovulation with apps is a popular fertility awareness method that combines the use of technology and natural methods. There are a variety of apps available that can help you track your menstrual cycle and predict when you're ovulating. These apps often use a combination of different methods, such as tracking your basal body temperature, cervical mucus observation, and even hormonal changes.
I use Read your Body.
It is important to note that for the apps to be effective, it is important to be consistent with the data input, and also to read the app's description and reviews to ensure its reliability.
Position of Cervix
Another method that is often used in conjunction with the above-mentioned methods is the position and feel of the cervix. During the menstrual cycle, the cervix changes in position, firmness, and openness. It is firm and closed during the beginning and end of the menstrual cycle, and soft and open during ovulation. By learning to check the position of the cervix, a woman can gain more insight into her fertility and when she is most fertile. This is a simple and non-invasive method that can be done at home. The cervix is a forgot organ which carries our past and holds possibilities to the future, we have a circle dedicated to reconnecting to the cervix in the members area.
This is not the rhythm method
It is important to note that fertility awareness methods should not be confused with the "rhythm method", which is a method of contraception that involves using a calendar to predict when a woman is most likely to ovulate and therefore most likely to conceive or avoid pregnancy.
Fertility awareness methods offer a natural and holistic approach to understanding our bodies and making informed decisions about our reproductive health. By becoming more informed and conscious about our fertility, we can make better decisions about our overall health and well-being. Whether you choose to chart your basal body temperature, observe your cervical mucus, or/and use an app, the most important thing is to find a method that works for you and stick with it. Remember, knowledge is power!
We go into this much deeper in our recorded session in our members area. Join here