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Why do you meditate?

Welcome friends,

I'm curious as to why you meditate and what style you feel drawn to.

In my early 20s, life took a sharp turn. Coming off my hormonal pill after 8 years felt like waking up to a world painted in vivid unfamiliar colors. It was as if I'd been watching life through a foggy lens and suddenly, everything was crystal clear. But clarity came with a price—it left me feeling exposed, like a lone wanderer in an unknown land.

That's when I luckily stumbled upon a Buddhist meditation center. My first experience was anything but serene. The voice in my head, usually muffled, grew loud and restless—filled with fears I hadn’t acknowledged before. Despite the discomfort, I found myself drawn back, week after week. It marked the beginning of an unexpected journey within.

As I delved deeper into the realm of yoga and meditation, I discovered many meditation practices, each offering a unique way to offer a specific outcome. Meditation, I realized, wasn't a one-size-fits-all solution. It was a diverse toolkit catering to different needs and moments.

This Sunday, on January 14th, I want to share a meditation session—an expedition into our inner and outer worlds. Together, let's explore where our awareness finds comfort and where resistance lingers. It’s about strengthening our focus, much like pushing our limits at the gym so we can become stronger or more flexible (PS I haven't been to the gym in years but I could think of another example). By doing so, we gain the power to consciously direct our attention.

Our minds are wanderers, often leading us astray into emotions or actions that don’t align with truth. Consciousness, however, offers a way to steer our awareness back on course.

Studies on meditation underline its profound impact on our body and mind. It aligns us with our true essence.

But this journey requires trust—a deep-rooted belief in the path we’re treading. As the mind settles, the heart takes the lead. It’s not dismissing the mind; it’s about acknowledging our hidden biases and beliefs. Through presence and mindfulness, we gain the clarity to choose consciously—a choice rooted in compassion and understanding.

A story said to be from Buddha:

Five idiots were traveling. They came to a big river. They purchased a small boat. They crossed the river.

Then they thought, “This boat is wonderful. It has helped us to come across the river, otherwise it would not have been possible for us to cross it. So we should be grateful to it.”

So they carried the boat on their heads into the marketplace.

People inquired, “What is the matter? Why are you carrying this boat?”

They said, “We are very grateful. This boat helped us to cross the river otherwise we would still have been on the other shore. Now we can never leave it!”

Buddha said, “Always remember that the Master is a boat. Cross the river, but don’t carry the boat on the head otherwise one who was going to free you will become your bondage.”

Join me in this exploration—a journey inward to unravel the mysteries of our being. This Sunday, let’s gather online, inviting friends to join us on this transformative quest together.

This is saying, that meditation is a tool but it is not to be attached to or idolized, it is a vehicle to a destination, and when you arrive, let it melt.



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