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Here is the recording for this reading and below this is the written resource.
Let's take a moment to connect with our bodily sensations, observe our thought patterns, and guide our awareness back to our heart path.
In a time flooded with information, I understand that I am contributing to the pull on your attention. My intention in sharing these words is to bring structure to what might seem like chaos, helping my mind feel safe and allowing me to soften into each moment.
My passion for reading tarot and drawing inspiration from the sky has revealed patterns and synchronicities, offering a broader perspective that pulls me out of habitual living and into a more present state.
May these words spark curiosity and be accompanied by a compassionate heart.
Today's reading is an invitation to turn inward, exploring our soul's unique purpose and passion. I would love to hear about your experience, so please share in the comments below.
Let's begin,
Moon phases in September 2024
🌑 New Moon: September 3, 01:55 GMT (September 2, 9:55 p.m. EDT)
🌓 First Quarter: September 11, 06:06 GMT (02:06 a.m. EDT)
🌕 *SUPER Full Moon: September 18, 02:34 GMT (September 17, 10:34 p.m. EDT)
🌗 Last Quarter: September 24, 18:50 GMT (02:50 p.m. EDT)
*A supermoon is a full moon that appears larger and brighter because it coincides with the Moon's closest approach to Earth.
Partial Full Moon Eclipse - The Full Moon on September 17 will feature a partial lunar eclipse, visible from the night side of Earth. The eclipse will be partial, with the Moon partially entering Earth's shadow, creating a subtle shading.
Here is a list of places in darkness where the partial lunar eclipse will be visible:
London, UK (BST): Starts 3:12 AM, Greatest Eclipse 3:44 AM, Ends 4:16 AM
New York, USA (EDT): Starts 10:12 PM (Sept 17), Greatest Eclipse 10:44 PM, Ends 11:16 PM
Denver, USA (MDT): Starts 8:12 PM (Sept 17), Greatest Eclipse 8:44 PM, Ends 9:16 PM
Los Angeles, USA (PDT): Starts 7:12 PM (Sept 17), Greatest Eclipse 7:44 PM, Ends 8:16 PM
Before you read this take a moment to turn into what your body tells you about this celestial event.
What do you feel?
Some cultures believe that eclipses, including partial ones, signal important spiritual and personal shifts.
I sat with this in meditation and felt a deep connection to the moon's energy and this is what came through for me:
The full moon, representing this moon’s inner summer, is a time of peak energy and expression—a culmination of the seeds sown during the dark moon phase, now blossoming into fruits and flowers.
It is the peak illumination before the moon begins to wane, and in the second half we are guided to reflect on what distracts or harms us, returning it to the earth to be composted, allowing our heart’s seeds to grow in rich soil. The full moon period is not just about celebration but also about pausing to fully recharge at the peak of illumination.
"Don't forget to put out your crystals and charge up your water."
The moon reminds us that we are cyclical beings, reflecting nature’s cycles within ourselves—constant life, death, and rebirth. Our emotions, thoughts, and ideas are in perpetual motion, influenced by our inner and outer environment.
During the partial eclipse, Earth, our shared home and the first mother to all creation, seems to give the moon a moment to pause, reflect, and redirect awareness to the heart path, it feels as though the Earth is saying,
"I see you. Let me listen and offer a reminder of your heart. You are appreciated and loved. You can hold tough moments, learn, and strengthen."
This partial eclipse appears as a break in our routine, inviting us to be present.
Sidereal Astrology
As you will see in the sky. These may differ from the majority of astrology you read, as this is tropical and more of a fixed system.
With the lunar eclipse in Pisces, you may have noticed a shift over the past year, where ego-driven tendencies have been challenged or dissolved as you awaken to your heart and soul purpose. This Pisces full moon encourages inward reflection to assess where you currently stand. Are there any areas of resistance or change needed?
Consider how your thoughts, actions, and relationships—whether human or not—guide you towards soul nourishment.
Meanwhile, the Sun in Virgo offers a balance, teaching us to flow with life while recognizing what we can and cannot control. Reflect on what you might be clinging to tightly and consider if you can release your grip and trust the process.
Tarot Reading
Sitting with the collective energy, I felt drawn to two cards and, incredibly, pulled the Empress and Empower cards, representing 4 and 5 in the tarot deck. This combination highlights a strong vision of masculine and feminine balance—yin and yang.

The Empress
The Empress card relates to the mother figure, the mother archetype within, or your role as a mother to a child, project, or community. It encourages you to step back and reflect on how you nourish and set boundaries in your relationships. This card symbolizes nourishment, home, fertility, and pleasure, urging us to create a sense of home wherever we are, prioritize nourishment over stimulation, and choose compassion over judgment.
The concept of ‘mother’ nature also guides us deeply. Instead of following idealized notions on social media, recognize that mother energy is unique to each person and will manifest differently in various contexts.
The Empress card connects with the "mother bear" energy, emphasizing boundaries and the power of your voice. This becomes easier when you align with your truth and speak with grace and confidence. Reflect on whether you need to protect your energy or if it’s about safeguarding your child, project, or another relationship.
Number 3: Seed planted taken form, nourishment and self-expression
The Emperor
The Emperor relates to the father figure, father archetype, or your inner masculine. It represents stability in our lives, embodying courage, patience, focus, direction, and clarity. This may pertain to your relationship with your actual father, a partner, or your own inner sense of stability.
The Emperor reminds us of the importance of patience and the conscious channeling of our energy. It encourages us to use our inner courage to challenge patterns and thoughts that pull us away from our hearts. You are supported and held, with a reminder that you matter, your voice matters, and you deserve to choose what respects and nourishes you.
At times, you may need to shake your foundations to rebuild from a place of truth. Remember, you are well-supported during this process.
Number 4: The square, represents a stable foundation and self-discipline.
"Don’t plant seeds with expectations to taste the fruits."
Questions for reflection:
1. What areas of your life are draining your energy? Where is it time to take a closer look and make changes?
2. Where do you need to set or reinforce boundaries? Consider both external relationships and your own reactions.
Finally Messages
When you are fully inspired to learn, create, and then find that inspiration fading, it can feel like a death to the ego. Could it be that you have completed your part in this phase of the collective evolution, or are you being called to return and reconnect with that seed of inspiration?
In relationships, if you find yourself blocking or being blocked from inspiration, it can be a profound form of betrayal. This serves as a reminder to stay open and nurturing to both your own and others' creative energies.
Ritual Idea:
On the day of the full moon, set the intention to be fully present. Light a candle as a symbol of your soul purpose, and spend 3 minutes gazing into its flame, feeling a deep connection to your inner self.
Create and repeat this mantra: “I am here to experience each moment, making space to fully feel and pause with the information I receive.”
“I allow myself to fully blossom and encourage the same in others.”
Altar Idea:
An altar serves as a focal point for your mind, helping you to rest and remember—like a mirror reflecting your inner self.
For the full moon, which is linked to the element of fire, incorporates elements that symbolize passion, courage, and transformation.
Colors: Use shades of red, orange, and gold to represent the fiery energy of the full moon.
Flame: Include a candle or a small flame to symbolize your soul purpose and passion.
Mantra: Place your mantra on the altar as a reminder of your intention.
Water and Crystal: Put a bowl of water and your crystals out under the full moon to be charged with its energy.
Thank you so much for being here. I hope you can join our dark moon gathering, where we’ll explore womb awakening and examine our relationship with our womb from subconscious beliefs to present-day connections. (2 times available)
Danielle xxx