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A Dark Moon and Solar Eclipse Ritual for Integration and Renewal

Writer's picture: Danielle BakerDanielle Baker

Updated: Oct 3, 2024

Welcome, Sisters!

This week, we will explore the profound energies of the dark moon and the solar eclipse.

Has anything been coming up for you this week? Shadows that haven’t been integrated, triggers showing up that the mind can’t make sense of—darkness, Kali energy. We’re being asked to see these things without distraction. The last few weeks have been about aligning our lives with a more conscious version of ourselves.

How can we integrate these shadows?

Can we accept them as part of our story?

Maybe they come from our ancestral line, womb time, birth, conditioning, or life experiences. How can we show compassion? If they take over, which I call “blacking out”—can we get still and listen to what our subconscious tells us, to see how it wants to move us?

For example, my recurring voice is, “I’m trapped, I have to get out, I’m done.” I feel out of control, unable to decide what’s best, and through my past work, I’ve realized this comes from a lack of tools to sit with my emotions. I recognize guilt (I did something bad) and maybe even shame (I am bad). So how do we move forward? Can we reframe it as quickly as possible, forgive ourselves, apologize, love, and realign with our North Star—our core values as human beings?

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🌹 Dark Moon Energy

The dark moon energy is connected to winter energy and menstruation—a time of full release. Last week, we focused on recognizing what is ready to be truly and deeply seen: our shadows, patterns, and relationships. This dark moon invites us to allow our inner and universal wisdom to unravel and release what no longer serves us.

In the Northern Hemisphere, this aligns with the Harvest Moon, which symbolizes the gathering of what we’ve cultivated throughout the year. Just as farmers harvest their crops, this is a time for us to reflect on the inner work we’ve done, appreciating the lessons learned while letting go of any burdens or patterns we no longer need. It’s about trusting that we’ve done the work and allowing ourselves to rest in that completion.

Being conscious of this process means creating space within ourselves, turning our awareness inward, and witnessing without judgment. There’s no need to “do” anything now; you've already done the hard work to bring these insights to the surface. Hold them with compassion, even if they don’t fully make sense yet. The practice is in cultivating loving awareness. More will reveal itself as the cycle continues next week.

🌹 Solar Eclipse Energy

The energy of this solar eclipse invites us to refine our skills and habits, creating pathways for lasting improvements across various aspects of our lives. With the Sun and Moon aligned in Virgo, there is a strong emphasis on health, service, and the structures that support our daily routines. Which areas of our lives are calling for our attention and transformation during this potent time?

A moment for deep reflection, seeking guidance, and taking action—signifying transformation, fresh starts, and inner growth. It’s where opposites meet, light and dark merging as one, a cosmic reset for spiritual awakening, and a gentle reminder of life's cycles and the importance of balance.

Cultural Perspectives on Solar Eclipses:

🌍 Native American Traditions: Many tribes view solar eclipses as transformative events, conducting rituals to honor the changes that may come.

🌏 Hindu Beliefs: In Hindu culture, eclipses are times for spiritual reflection, with people engaging in cleansing rituals and prayers to release negativity and invite positive energies.

🌎 Chinese Culture: Historically, solar eclipses were seen as omens signaling shifts in leadership or natural disasters, yet they also symbolize life's cycles and renewal.

🌏 Mayan Understanding: The Maya connected eclipses to agricultural cycles, believing these events carried messages from the gods that could impact their crops.

🌍 Egyptian Views: In ancient Egypt, solar eclipses were linked to the god Ra, viewed as perilous moments for him, prompting rituals to protect his journey.

🌎 Greek Philosophy: Ancient Greeks interpreted eclipses as divine signs, advising caution as they believed these events could lead to significant changes in fate.

🌹 Sidereal Astrology Reading

Sun in Virgo ♍ (Earth element)

With the Sun in Virgo, you view life through a lens of refinement and improvement. This sign encourages you to pay attention to the details, seeking to optimize and enhance both yourself and your surroundings. Your analytical nature drives you to approach tasks, striving toward your ideals with dedication methodically.

Key Points to Notice:

  • Outward Focus: The Sun represents your outward expression; during this time, notice how you engage with the external world and what changes you feel compelled to make.

  • Organizational Skills: You may find yourself naturally organizing your environment or projects. Embrace this ability to create order and efficiency.

  • Helping Others: Use your talents to assist those around you. Your desire to improve things can be a gift to others, so look for opportunities to lend a hand.

  • Balance: Be mindful of perfectionistic tendencies. While striving for excellence is admirable, remember that not everything needs to be perfect. Allow yourself and others grace.

  • Self-Care: Your drive for improvement should also extend inward. Check in with yourself—are you caring for your needs as you work to help others?

This period is an invitation to celebrate your gifts of refinement while staying aware of the balance between striving for perfection and embracing the beauty of imperfection.

Moon in Virgo ♍ (Earth Element)

With the Moon in Virgo, your emotional landscape is tied to the themes of refinement and self-improvement. This placement emphasizes an inner drive to seek betterment—not only for yourself but also for those around you. You may find yourself naturally attuned to what needs adjustment, or you may be called to reflect on what is depleting you.

On a personal level, you may feel a sense of composure, though insecurities can occasionally surface. When you feel secure, your methodical nature shines, allowing you to put in tireless effort toward your emotional ideals. You approach your inner world with a disciplined and analytical mindset, which can be both a gift and a challenge.

Those close to you likely perceive you as organized, detail-oriented, and perfectionistic. Your emotional connections often reflect these qualities, as you strive to create harmony and order in your relationships.

Key Points to Notice:

  • Inner Stability: Focus on building emotional security. Reflect on what makes you feel grounded and organized within yourself.

  • Attention to Detail: Recognize your gift for noticing the finer points in your emotions and relationships. Use this ability to improve your connections with others.

  • Helpfulness: Your desire to assist others can be a source of fulfillment. Look for ways to support friends and family while ensuring your needs are also met.

  • Self-Care: Be mindful of perfectionistic tendencies. Remember that self-acceptance is essential; allow yourself the space to be imperfect.

  • Balancing Emotions: Notice how you handle emotional challenges. Approach them with the same analytical mindset you apply to external situations, allowing for personal growth and understanding.

🌹 Tarot Reading

The Two of Wands symbolizes the planning and contemplation phase of personal expansion. A man stands within the safety of his castle, holding a globe, signifying potential and opportunity. He has the spark of inspiration but has yet to venture beyond his comfort zone. This card represents a pivotal moment where careful planning, weighing options, and a willingness to step into the unknown are crucial to future success.

Key Symbols & Deeper Meanings

  • Man holding a globe: Represents global potential and the desire to expand one's horizons.

  • Castle: Symbolizes comfort and safety, indicating the man is still in the planning phase and not yet ready to act.

  • Two wands: The upright wand suggests active contemplation, while the fixed wand indicates being grounded in the current situation, and hesitant to move forward.

  • Fertile yet rocky land: Growth opportunities exist, but challenges must be overcome to succeed.

Deeper Interpretations

  • Planning and Strategy: The card suggests it's not yet time to take action but to create a clear plan and consider all possibilities.

  • Decision-making: A choice must be made between staying in a familiar space or exploring new, possibly risky, territories.

  • Confidence and Courage: The Two of Wands offers confidence in one's vision, urging careful consideration before setting out on a new path.

  • Potential for Growth: This represents stepping outside your comfort zone to achieve long-term goals, whether through travel, education, or career shifts.

The Rose

The Rose in the Mary Magdalene Oracle is a powerful symbol of the Divine Feminine, representing love, patience, and the natural unfolding of life. Like a rose that blooms in its own time, we cannot force ourselves to ripen or rush our personal growth. The message emphasizes trusting in divine timing and nurturing ourselves without demanding immediate results.

When we remember how deeply we can love and be loved, we allow ourselves to receive and give with authenticity, free from the constraints of control. This process of surrender encourages curiosity over control, a reminder that life's beauty unfolds naturally when we let go of rigid expectations.

In relation to the Two of Wands, the rose's message deeply supports the card's themes of planning and contemplation. The man holding the globe has immense potential before him, yet he stands within his castle, still contemplating his next move.

Much like the rose, his journey requires patience and trust in the process. Just as we cannot force a rose to bloom before its time, we cannot rush forward without careful consideration and readiness. The Two of Wands invites curiosity and exploration but reminds us not to control the outcome prematurely. Both symbols emphasize the importance of trusting the journey and aligning with the natural rhythm of growth, allowing intuition and divine timing to guide us.


  • How can I cultivate curiosity rather than control in my life?

  • In what areas of my life do I need to trust that things will bloom in their own time?

  • What possibilities are present that I haven’t yet explored, and how can I approach them with patience and openness?


The Addicted card (11) from the Dark Mirror Oracle speaks to the tension between freedom and enslavement. Numerologically, 11 reduces to 2 (1+1), representing duality and balance.

This card explores the idea that both freedom and slavery can be illusions—freedom is often promised but can be taken away, leaving us questioning what true liberation means. It challenges us to confront the inner forces that may be controlling us, such as addictions, habits, or fears.

Similarly, the Two of Wands reflects the choice between staying in a safe, familiar place or stepping into the unknown. Both cards emphasize the need to look beyond the illusion of freedom and recognize where we may be limiting ourselves.

Key Points:

  • Numerology of 11 = 2: Represents balance, duality, and choices.

  • Freedom vs. Enslavement: Both can be illusions, influenced by internal and external forces.

  • Addict card: Challenges us to confront hidden addictions or fears that bind us.

  • Two of Wands: Highlights the decision to stay safe or explore new opportunities, reflecting the balance between control and freedom.


  • Am I truly free, or am I trapped by my own habits or fears?

  • How can I balance my desire for safety with the need for growth?

  • What choices am I avoiding that would expand my freedom?

🌹 RitualRelease Practice for the Dark Moon in Virgo

Purpose: To let go of what no longer serves you, creating space for renewal and growth.

Elements Needed:

  • A quiet space

  • A comfortable seat or cushion

  • Paper and pen

  • A small bowl or container for burning

  • A candle (optional)

  • Incense or essential oils (optional)


  1. Prepare Your Space:

    • Find a calm environment where you can be undisturbed. Arrange your materials, and if you wish, light a candle and/or incense to create a sacred atmosphere.

  2. Grounding:

    • Sit comfortably with your feet flat on the ground. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Visualize roots growing from your feet into the earth, anchoring you in the present moment.

  3. Set Your Intention:

    • Silently state your intention for this release practice. You might say something like, “I release what no longer serves me, making space for healing and growth.”

  4. Reflect and Write:

    • Take your paper and pen. Reflect on the areas of your life that feel stagnant or burdensome. Write down specific thoughts, feelings, or situations you want to release. Be honest and thorough in your reflection.

  5. Cleansing the Paper:

    • Once you've finished writing, hold the paper in your hands. Close your eyes and visualize the energy of each word flowing into the paper. Acknowledge the weight of these thoughts and emotions.

  6. The Release:

    • When you’re ready, safely burn the paper in the bowl or container. As it burns, imagine the smoke carrying away the energies you wish to release. You can say something like, “I release this energy to the universe, allowing it to transform into healing and light.”

  7. Integration:

    • Sit in silence for a few moments, breathing deeply. Visualize a bright light filling the space where those heavy energies once resided. Imagine this light expanding within you, bringing in clarity and renewal.

  8. Closing:

    • When you feel ready, gently extinguish the candle (if used) and express gratitude for the release and the opportunity for growth. You might say a simple thank you to yourself for participating in this practice.

  9. Follow-Up:

    • In the days following the release, pay attention to any shifts in your thoughts, emotions, or circumstances. Consider journaling your reflections or insights as they arise.

🌹 Altar IdeasAltar Ideas for the Dark Moon in Virgo

Earth Elements:

  • Crystals: black tourmaline, smoky quartz, hematite

  • Soil or natural stones

Symbolic Representations:

  • Image/statue of Virgo (the maiden)

  • Small items like corn, grains, or seeds


  • Earthy colors: green, brown, yellow

  • Light a candle for release and transformation

Journals and Writing Tools:

  • Notebook and pen for insights and intentions

Herbs and Plants:

  • Dried herbs: sage, chamomile, lavender

  • Small potted plant or succulent

Essential Oils:

  • Diffuser with patchouli, cedarwood, or vetiver

Personal Touches:

  • Photographs or mementos

  • Affirmations or intentions

Divination Tools:

  • Tarot or oracle cards for insight

Seasonal Decor:

  • Autumn leaves, acorns, or natural items


  • Seeds or dried flowers as gratitude to the earth

This Week's Mantra:

"I witness the shadow and honor its presence. I breathe in stillness and compassion, releasing what no longer serves me. With love and patience, I embrace my story—past, present, and future—as a continuous flow of growth and transformation."

Thank you for reading.


Danielle xx

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