I thought I'd share my weekly plans here as I have them in google docs all to myself, but maybe they will be of inspiration to you.
This week, we will celebrate Imbolc through activities that invite light, creativity, and spiritual renewal into our lives. Whether you have young children or are celebrating on your own, these practices can be adapted to help you connect with the deep energy of this season.
So, as we approach Imbolc (Northern Hemisphere), a time of renewal and awakening, I’ve planned a special week of activities to celebrate with my daughter. Imbolc, which falls on February 1st, is a Celtic festival that marks the midpoint between winter and spring.
It is a time to honor the return of light, new beginnings, and the growing energy of the Earth.
The name "Imbolc" itself is derived from the Gaelic word for "ewe's milk," as it celebrates the fertility and nourishment of the land. This season represents a shift from the cold and stillness of winter to the first stirrings of spring, bringing hope and growth.
At the heart of Imbolc is the goddess Brigid, a powerful figure in Celtic mythology. Brigid is revered as the goddess of fire, fertility, healing, and creativity. She embodies the light returning to the Earth, the warmth of fire, and the nurturing energy that sparks new life.
Traditionally, Brigid is associated with the hearth fire, which symbolizes the light that dispels the darkness, as well as the creativity that ignites change. In this sacred time, we honor her as a protector and a guide for our own growth, both spiritual and physical.
Imbolc is a time for planting seeds—literally and metaphorically—so that we can nurture them as the days lengthen. Through these simple yet meaningful activities, we will invite the spirit of Brigid into our home, nurturing creativity, honoring the Earth, and preparing for the growth of the seasons ahead.
Loving this playlist for Imbolc and below is a pre-recorded ceremony for you (Free)
Finally, why not join me for a special pre-recorded event, where I’ll share how I’ve recently connected to the five-point star as a powerful tool to focus my intentions in motherhood?
This star represents the alignment of five key pillars I want to nurture and explore as I learn and grow in my journey of motherhood. I’ll walk you through how this symbol supports me in finding balance and intention in motherhood
Invite you to sign up before January 30th to access this pre-recorded session.
Imbolc (February 26th - February 2nd)
Theme: Rebirth, Light, and Growth
Cultural Focus: Celtic Imbolc Traditions
Pillars: Nature Awareness, Spirituality, Creative Expression
Day 1: Imbolc – New Beginnings
Pillar Focus: Nature Awareness
Cultural Element: Share stories about the Celtic belief that Imbolc marks the return of light, symbolizing hope and new beginnings. The day is dedicated to welcoming back the light and honoring Brigid, the goddess of fertility, creativity, and fire.
Clean and Clear: Sweep away leaves, debris, and snow from the garden to create a welcoming space for new growth.
Bless the Garden: Sprinkle a mixture of spring water and milk around the garden to honor Brigid.
Plant Early Seeds: Sow cold-hardy seeds (like spinach or peas) to symbolize the promise of new beginnings. Observe what happens over the days and weeks as they sprout.
Tend Perennials: Prune, water, and mulch plants that will awaken with the approach of spring.
Prepare the Altar: Set up an altar with white and yellow cloths, symbolizing fertility and new growth. Throughout the week, you can add objects like candles, flowers, and nature items.
Creative Expression: Paint an image of Brigid and share stories about her role in Imbolc and her connection to creativity, fertility, and fire.
Day 2: Bringing the Light
Pillar Focus: Spirituality
Create a Candle: Make a simple candle to add to your altar.
Light the Candle: In the evening, light the candle and discuss how light symbolizes hope and warmth, both in the natural world and within us. Talk about how the returning light during Imbolc helps us remember that darkness always gives way to light.
Fire Offering: If safe, light a small fire or use a fire pit, and offer dried herbs (such as rosemary or bay leaves) to the flames with a prayer for renewal and blessing.
Day 3: Celebrating the Earth
Pillar Focus: Nature Awareness
Nature Walk: Take a walk outside and observe signs of growth and new life. Collect leaves, twigs, or buds to create a small nature collage for the altar.
Create a Brigid’s Cross: Using rushes, straw, or grasses, create a traditional Brigid’s Cross and hang it in the garden for protection and blessings.
Cultural Element: Share how Imbolc marks the awakening of the Earth from winter's slumber, and celebrate the first stirrings of life in nature.
Day 4: Honoring Brigid
Pillar Focus: Creative Expression
Create a Brigid’s Doll: Create a small Brigid doll, using natural materials like straw or fabric. Set up a small altar with candles, flowers, and handmade objects to honor her.
Artistic Expression: Encourage your child to draw or paint images that reflect themes of creativity and light, connected to Brigid.
Cultural Element: Explain Brigid’s role as the goddess of creativity, healing, and fire, and how Imbolc celebrates her gifts to the Earth.
Day 5: Strengthening the Body
Pillar Focus: Independence & Vitality
Simple Yoga or Dance: Engage in simple yoga or stretching exercises, focusing on body awareness and vitality. You can also try some ecstatic dance to celebrate the energy of growth and movement.
Cultural Element: Discuss how physical movement connects us to the cycles of nature and helps us embody the returning light of Imbolc.
Tree Meditation: Sit under a tree, connect with its grounded energy, and whisper your intentions for the year ahead. Visualize the tree’s energy flowing up into its branches, like the light returning to the Earth.
Day 6: Crafting with Nature
Pillar Focus: Creative Expression & Nature Awareness
Nature Crafting: Use charcoal or other natural materials to paint or create art with your child. You can also try face painting or other creative expressions that connect to the themes of nature.
Feast: Create a small offering for Brigid’s altar, such as milk, bread, or herbs, to honor the goddess and celebrate the nourishing power of the Earth.
Cultural Element: Discuss how Celtic traditions use natural materials in crafting as a form of creativity and protection.
Day 7: Reflection and Gratitude
Pillar Focus: Spirituality & Gratitude
Reflection Time: Reflect on the week’s activities, discussing what you both have learned and how you’ve connected with the themes of Imbolc.
Gratitude Session: Take time to share what you’re thankful for, especially in relation to growth, renewal, and the light returning.
Nature Walk: Take another walk in nature, this time searching for animal tracks or signs of new life. Reflect on the symbolism of these animals and what guidance they may offer for your new beginnings.
I hope this offers some inspiration, let me know any ideas you have.
Love, Danielle