Sun, 28 Apr
Connection to Source
Eastern Time (ET): 12pm - Pacific Time (PT): 9am - UK Time (BST): 5pm
Time & Location
28 Apr 2024, 10:00 – 11:00 GMT-6
About the event
So far, we have been on quite the journey, through our ancestral line, mother and fatherline specifically, our own birth into this world, and now we transition to our moments outside of the womb and the nourishment we received.
All previous recordings can be found here.
In this circle, we will be exploring our connection to our nutrient source. As the umbilical cord was cut, where did your nourishment come from, and then how were you guided to choose nourishing foods?
Many eating disorders can be linked back to these moments and the nutrients we receive and how, what environment, and how we felt in them moments - affecting our subconscious and the way we absorbs nutrients today.
This circle is to reawaken you to your body's needs, to bring ritual into connecting to natures food which will repair and replenish the body, to notice eating habits and aversion so you can make conscious choices, and to find ways to feel held and soft as you receive nourishment.
The moments after birth the baby thrives from resting close to the mother, receiving nourishment, and the mother's body receiving messages as saliva is exchanged on the nipple. The baby regulates its nervous system, breathing, and heart rate to the mother. Food is tied to so many internal needs that if we didn't receive it as a newborn, there may be confusion and possibly disconnect in our relationship with ourselves, others, and nature.
An episode will be released in the next few days to deepen into this exploration before the live circle. I'll give you a notification.
The Sunday will be for a guided meditation and somatic experience.
Hope to see you there x